Source code for mlrun

# Copyright 2023 Iguazio
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

# flake8: noqa  - this is until we take care of the F401 violations with respect to __all__ & sphinx

__all__ = [

from os import environ, path

import dotenv
import mlrun_pipelines

from .config import config as mlconf
from .datastore import DataItem, store_manager
from .db import get_run_db
from .errors import MLRunInvalidArgumentError, MLRunNotFoundError
from .execution import MLClientCtx
from .model import RunObject, RunTemplate, new_task
from .package import ArtifactType, DefaultPackager, Packager, handler
from .projects import (
from .projects.project import _add_username_to_project_name_if_needed
from .run import (
from .runtimes import new_model_server
from .secrets import get_secret_or_env
from .utils.version import Version

__version__ = Version().get()["version"]

VolumeMount = mlrun_pipelines.common.mounts.VolumeMount
mount_v3io = mlrun_pipelines.mounts.mount_v3io
v3io_cred = mlrun_pipelines.mounts.v3io_cred
auto_mount = mlrun_pipelines.mounts.auto_mount

[docs]def get_version(): """get current mlrun version""" return __version__
if "IGZ_NAMESPACE_DOMAIN" in environ: igz_domain = environ["IGZ_NAMESPACE_DOMAIN"] kfp_ep = f"https://dashboard.{igz_domain}/pipelines" environ["KF_PIPELINES_UI_ENDPOINT"] = kfp_ep mlconf.remote_host = mlconf.remote_host or igz_domain
[docs]def set_environment( api_path: str = None, artifact_path: str = "", access_key: str = None, username: str = None, env_file: str = None, mock_functions: str = None, ): """set and test default config for: api path, artifact_path and project this function will try and read the configuration from the environment/api and merge it with the user provided project name, artifacts path or api path/access_key. it returns the configured artifacts path, this can be used to define sub paths. Note: the artifact path is an mlrun data uri (e.g. `s3://bucket/path`) and can not be used with file utils. example:: from os import path project_name, artifact_path = set_environment() set_environment("http://localhost:8080", artifact_path="./") set_environment(env_file="mlrun.env") set_environment("<remote-service-url>", access_key="xyz", username="joe") :param api_path: location/url of mlrun api service :param artifact_path: path/url for storing experiment artifacts :param access_key: set the remote cluster access key (V3IO_ACCESS_KEY) :param username: name of the user to authenticate :param env_file: path/url to .env file (holding MLRun config and other env vars), see: set_env_from_file() :param mock_functions: set to True to create local/mock functions instead of real containers, set to "auto" to auto determine based on the presence of k8s/Nuclio :returns: default project name actual artifact path/url, can be used to create subpaths per task or group of artifacts """ if env_file: set_env_from_file(env_file) # set before the dbpath (so it will re-connect with the new credentials) if access_key: environ["V3IO_ACCESS_KEY"] = access_key if username: environ["V3IO_USERNAME"] = username mlconf.dbpath = api_path or mlconf.dbpath if not mlconf.dbpath: raise ValueError("DB/API path was not detected, please specify its address") if mock_functions is not None: mock_functions = "1" if mock_functions is True else mock_functions mlconf.force_run_local = mock_functions mlconf.mock_nuclio_deployment = mock_functions # check connectivity and load remote defaults get_run_db() if api_path: environ["MLRUN_DBPATH"] = mlconf.dbpath if not mlconf.artifact_path and not artifact_path: raise ValueError( "default artifact_path was not configured, please specify a valid artifact_path" ) if artifact_path: if artifact_path.startswith("./"): artifact_path = path.abspath(artifact_path) elif not artifact_path.startswith("/") and "://" not in artifact_path: raise ValueError( "artifact_path must refer to an absolute path" " or a valid url" ) mlconf.artifact_path = artifact_path return mlconf.default_project, mlconf.artifact_path
def get_current_project(silent=False): if not pipeline_context.project and not silent: raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError( "current project is not initialized, use new, get or load project methods first" ) return pipeline_context.project def get_sample_path(subpath=""): """ return the url of a sample dataset or model """ samples_path = environ.get( "SAMPLE_DATA_SOURCE_URL_PREFIX", mlconf.default_samples_path ) if subpath: samples_path = path.join(samples_path, subpath.lstrip("/")) return samples_path def set_env_from_file(env_file: str, return_dict: bool = False): """Read and set and/or return environment variables from a file the env file should have lines in the form KEY=VALUE, comment line start with "#" example file:: # this is an env file MLRUN_DBPATH= V3IO_USERNAME=admin V3IO_API= V3IO_ACCESS_KEY=MYKEY123 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID-XXXX AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=YYYY usage:: # set the env vars from a file + return the results as a dict env_dict = mlrun.set_env_from_file(env_path, return_dict=True) :param env_file: path/url to env file :param return_dict: set to True to return the env as a dict :return: None or env dict """ env_file = path.expanduser(env_file) if not path.isfile(env_file): raise MLRunNotFoundError(f"env file {env_file} does not exist") env_vars = dotenv.dotenv_values(env_file) if None in env_vars.values(): raise MLRunInvalidArgumentError("env file lines must be in the form key=value") for key, value in env_vars.items(): environ[key] = value # Load to local environ mlconf.reload() # reload mlrun configuration return env_vars if return_dict else None